Most people in tech support focus on technology. Tech Hub focuses on the customer. And we have from the beginning.


Where We’ve Been

Tech Hub has been in business for almost two decades. We started in a single location in a fast-growth technology company. We were hired by the VP of Finance, Worldwide Operations who saw the hidden costs associated with the time staff spent solving technology problems on their own. Over time, realizing the value of Tech Hub, he decided to expanded Tech Hub services beyond Finance.

Vince Olsen was the first Tech Hub expert. He quickly discovered that technical expertise was just one part of effective tech support — the other part was empathy. Employees walking into a Tech Hub location are under significant pressure to deliver results, so relieving that pressure and helping people work smarter is just as important as ensuring their devices work better.

Most who work in tech support think the transaction is over when the question is answered or the the device is fixed. We think that’s just the beginning of an ongoing relationship. We’re in the business of maximizing workforce productivity one employee at a time. Our mission is to help our customers realize the full productivity potential of their people and their technology.

Where We’re Going

Today, the original Tech Hub location still exists, but we are delivering our brand of personal, high quality technical support and training to thousands of visitors a year. We’ve grown by hiring the right people and always ensuring we put customers first.

Because technology is always evolving, our technical expertise is always evolving. Your employees can count on each Tech Hub expert to understand the latest technology and help them put it to work. We tailor our services to the specific needs of our clients. Whether you want us to focus on our traditional employee device services (Mac, iPad, iPhone and Apple Watch), support new applications — or provide more enterprise level services, we match our services and hours to your requirements.

Team Leaders

  • Vince Olsen
    President & CEO
    Vince Olsen
    President & CEO

    Where are you from? I’m a Bay Area native.

    Where did you go to school? I graduated from UCSB and focused on environmental studies, communication studies and sociology.

    How did you come by your love for technology? I really wanted to work for Apple. My first job there was as an admin supporting 10 people in a new product group. Admins in the field were expected to know how to do tech support. I started doing more and more tech support and I discovered I had a knack for troubleshooting — and loved it. I enjoyed solving problems and getting immediate feedback from the people I was helping.

    How did you develop your passion for customer service? My grandfather ran a small business and I watched how he treated his customers.

    What other passions do you have aside from work? Sports, backpacking and photography.

    What kinds of adjectives would your friends use to describe you? Hard worker, fair, honest, team player, passionate, driven.

    What are the achievements you are most proud of? Building great teams: allowing people to do their best. Also, being a good dad.

    What is your vision for Tech Hub? To extend our reach while maintaining the high quality and personalized nature of our customer service model. Tech Hub helps people be more effective in their jobs and not be burdened by technology. There are a lot of people who fix computers but not the way we do it. My goal is to have everyone walk out of their Tech Hub with a smile on their face. The personal touch is huge. It’s our mission. 

    What are some details about your family? I have a wife and a son. Family is very important to me. I’ve been married for 18 years. And we have two puppies and two cats.

  • Shaun Miller
    Director, Technical Support
    Shaun Miller
    Director, Technical Support

    When did you come to the Bay Area? I arrived in 2008 to join Tech Hub. I had my own technology consulting business in Hawaii, but was interested in coming to California. After I met Vince Olsen, I knew we would be able to work together well.

    Where did you go to school? Brigham Young University in Hawaii — and I majored in mathematics and computer science.

    How did you come by your love for technology? I’ve loved technology since I was a kid. In the 80s, I got my first Apple II and developed a love for writing code.

    How did you come by your commitment to excellent customer service? After I graduated, I taught AP Calculus and computer classes at a private school. I really enjoyed working with the high school kids and developed a passion for teaching people about technology. Later, I started my own business in Hawaii that was dedicated to teaching small to medium businesses about technology and managing their IT needs.

    What other passions do you have aside from work? RUGBY! I played it growing up. Today, I play a lot of ‘touch’ rugby. I’ve actually been a member of the World Cup Touch Rugby Team. My goal is to make the next team in 2019 — if my body will allow me! 

    Is there a surprising story in your background? I was actually born in the Pacific Islands and I’m half Polynesian. I have three passports: US, New Zealand and Samoa. 

    Any achievements you’re proud of? I’ve been married for 24 years and have three children. 

    What is your vision for Tech Hub? That we can pass on our belief of what technical support and training should be to our customers. Hopefully, once they get a taste of the experience, they will realize the difference that personalized IT support can make within a company.

    What makes you excited about doing your job every day? I love the challenge of having something new every day and meeting new people. I also love the people I work with — and I enjoy learning from them.

  • Adam Smieja
    Technical Lead, Enterprise Support
    Adam Smieja
    Technical Lead, Enterprise Support

    Where are you from? I grew up in the suburbs of Seattle, WA.

    Where do you live now? I'm married and I live in San Francisco.

    What other passions do you have aside from work? I enjoy bike (cycling) racing and sailing. I also really enjoy traveling. I try to take a month each summer and go somewhere to really experience the culture. I’ve been to Morocco, Egypt and Australia and cycled in Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland and Belgium.

    How did you come by your passion for technology? I just really enjoy it. I've never been daunted by it — I love the challenge. I try to learn everything I can. Enterprise technology is a favorite. I’ve developed expertise in Linux administration, OS X, Windows administration, IBM’s AIX, the latest Linux distribution that software developers are using, VMware and virtualizing servers.

    Give me an adjective to describe you. I’m….focused. I’m very focused on getting things done. I’m not a procrastinator or time waster.  

    What would be a surprising fact about you? I have no car.

    What makes you excited about doing your job every day? I just like what I do. I enjoy the variety. I get to see everything and work on everything from networking to software development to automating deployment. I deal with infrastructure, apps and everything in between.

  • Henklin Tsang
    Technical Lead, Desktop Support
    Henklin Tsang
    Technical Lead, Desktop Support

    Where are you from? I’m originally from New Jersey. Growing up, I lived in Jersey City and Middletown, which is near the Jersey Shore. 

    When did you come to the Bay Area? I came in 2006 to join a voice over IP start up. I often think of myself as a newcomer to the area, but now that I think of it, it’s been nine years.

    Where did you go to school? I went to Rutgers and majored in economics.

    How did you come by your love for technology? I’ve always been sort of a techie. When I was about 19, computers were still pretty pricey. So I built my own. When it broke, I couldn't call Tech Support. I had to fix it myself and I found that I really enjoyed that. 

    How did you develop your approach to customer service? I worked for the Tech Support organization at Rutgers. We provided support for liberal arts departments in a model that was very similar to Tech Hub’s. I just found it very gratifying to be able to provide a service that helped people and let me see how happy they were when I made something good happen. 

    What other passions do you have aside from work? I play some basketball. I like to dabble in baking every once in a while. My girlfriend and I aspire to spend more time doing things like hiking and biking.

    Do you have an aspirational goal? Someday, we would like to own a home.

    What kinds of adjectives would your friends use to describe you? I think they would say that I’m a helpful and genuine person.

    What makes you excited about doing your job every day? The important thing for me is that I like what I do. Not everyone who enjoys technology enjoys providing tech support — but I genuinely do. When I get up in the morning, I’m glad to come to work.

  • Geoff Behn
    Technical Lead, Desktop Support
    Geoff Behn
    Technical Lead, Desktop Support

    Where are you from originally? I was born in San Jose, CA and have lived here all my life. Today, I actually live very close to where I grew up, along with my wife and two dogs — my Dachshund WALL-e and my Corgi, Mika.

    How did you come by your passion for technology? My love for technology started in my early teens when my dad worked for IBM and HP. He introduced me to computers by bringing them home. As most kids do, I became a gamer through this. I eventually started to run local gaming communities and servers for various games. I remember at one point we had wired a small apartment complex to become a huge network for gaming. I had a passion for growing the gaming community and the only way to do that was to be one of the best players and hosts. This required technical expertise in both hardware and software. I eventually started working for Best Buy’s business sales division. I was selling hardware and software to business customers which helped me learn that people needed more than just someone to sell them what they needed — they needed support for it as well. Thus, customer support became the focus for me. Once I found this new focus I went to work for Apple as a Genius at one of their Genius Bars.

    Where did you develop your focus on customer service? This has been around since working in retail. I like helping people — taking something you know that they don’t know — sharing the knowledge. It’s always been that way. It’s all about translation for me.

    If I asked your friends/colleagues to describe you, what would they say? Oh…geek, funny, serious mindset, workaholic.

    Do you have an aspirational goal? I love where I am in life and I am currently doing what I enjoy the most but I would like to manage a very large team. I love molding minds and making things run buttery-smooth. I love inspiring and helping people. I love triggering people’s passion for technology.

    What about you might surprise people? I went to college to earn my degree in Administration of Justice. One of the highlights of my college experience was the investigation classes. I always wanted to be an investigator, so I tend to think of myself as one…but for the tech world.

    What makes you excited about doing your job every day? I like to learn new things every day. I like the knowledge I gain and I really enjoy teaching new things to others. Every day provides a new and interesting challenge. I pride myself with how fast a solution can be created for someone.